Software | Electronics | Stereograms | Consultant      W.A. Steer

Welcome to my homepage

A rather poor photo of me! (3kB) Hello, I'm Andrew - welcome to my homepage! I'm 26 years of age, and in a few days will have completed the process of writing up my PhD after three and a half years in the field of Condensed Matter Physics here at University College London. I'm also interested in electronic circuit design, computer programming (particularly graphics and signal/image processing), photography - you'll find this site liberally illustrated, and enjoy hill walking. I'm also a member of UCL Film Society and frequently act as projectionist for our weekly screening in the Bloomsbury Theatre.

Some years back I did quite a lot of work on single-image autostereograms - those clever 3D pictures - and you'll find a significant proportion of my site devoted to these, though my other interests are represented to a lesser extent. I hope you find the information I have provided useful.


Computer programming/software: Minature ray-trace (5.4kB)
Electronics hardware: homebrew computer add-ons Photo of homebuilt circuitry. (35kB)
Physics: sonoluminescence Photo of sono apparatus
Physics: condensed matter physics
Photos from my travels
Film Society

Retro computing - BBC Micro material

Web page design Statistics

and now for Something Completely Different

Last modified: 21 December 2000

© William Andrew Steer


Everything on these pages is of my own devising unless indicated otherwise. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of UCL.